Tuesday, May 5, 2015


A moody and atmospheric horror film about a mysterious fortune-telling payphone

April 28, 2015, Detroit, Michigan, United States, directed by James Henry Hall ... Who is no stranger to the horror/thriller genre, his debut feature film, “SPIN” (A collaboration with his Uncle, Bret K. Hall)  achieved critical acclaim, winning a multitude of awards at  film festivals throughout the US and ABROAD, the most notable being, "The Festival Director's Pick" for BEST FEATURE FILM in the Salty Horror International Film Festival. They followed up "SPIN" with a horror short entitled, "HARBINGER" starring "The Conjuring's" Rose Bachtel. (The short is available via youtube) "THINGS" is a side project outside of that collaboration.

With all our proverbial heart, we hope you will partner with us to tell this tale … and help us make this MOVIE a reality … without Hollywood interference diluting what makes this story what it is.

Whether you share a good-will contribution, pre-order a copy of the finished film, or reel in one of our most exciting rewards, YOU ARE HELPING to tell a one-of-a-kind story.

Please help support THINGS by checking out the following link: http://igg.me/at/things/x/8730882

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