Wednesday, April 23, 2014

This summer “Grainne Uaile - The movie” will be released from its ship!

This summer “Grainne Uaile - The movie” will be released from its ship in Ireland and sailing the festival circuits. A 3 hour epic written and directed by Ciaron Davies and starring Fionnuala Collins as the infamou pirate queen. The movie was shot on location all over Ireland, North and South.

A violent and gritty retelling of the life of Grainne Uaile, the 16th century Pirate Queen from Ireland. She was a fighter, a pirate and a tough woman, carving her mark in a mans world. This exciting film is violent, dark, brutal, exciting and often darkly comic. The ultimate female action hero steeped in ancient Irish history.

“Grainne Uaile-The movie”, is an epic historical adventure based on the real life of 16th Centurey Irish Pirate queen, Grainne Uaile. It is a savage, brutal and gritty film exploring the life of this extraordinary women, who made a huge impact in the ‘16th century man’s world’ and also left a large imprint in Irish and world wide history, her name became infamous, and her life the stuff of legends.

It follows her life from her early childhood, her youthfull years as a clansmans wife, her subseqent career in pracy, politics, intrigue, double dealings, her fight against the powers of the English state and her famous meeting with Queen Elizabeth.

Often violent, intense, with moments of dark comedy, Grainne Uaile has the look of a ‘moving Caravaggio painting’. The fighting is closer then any other film you will see, fast paced and fierce. We wanted to create battle sequences where the audience feels involved. Grainne, herself is presented as a very strong women, fiercer then the men around her, played beautifully by Fionnuala Collins, who exudes a mixture of charisma, style and intensity.
It also stars Peter Cosgrove, Robin Twist, Leonard G. Tone and Ciaron Davies.

We wanted to make a movie like the old epics of times gone by, brimming with story, life and characters. It was also important that all the actors performed their own stunts and sword fights. The battles themselves are often elaborate and full of tension. Filming was grueling for the actors and daily shooting was tough and physically demanding.

"Grainne Uaile - The movie" is a roller coaster of a ride, set against the rich and complex tapestry of 16th century Ireland, and spanning 70 years of intrigue, drama and violence on both land and sea.

The pirate queen her self, is a tough, highly inteligent and hard woman, one of the toughest we have scene in cinema. Her enemies are equally as tough and her nemesis, Richard Bingham is a suitably twisted villain, somewhere between Genhis Khan and Hanibal Lectre. Thrown into the mix is an incredibly diverce and interesting set of characters who will make you laugh and cry in equal measures. Grainne and her crew of pirates will fight their way through hordes of English vilains, whilst her keen wit and mind plots the demise of their foes and keeps their ship afloat in a sea treachory and skulldoggery.

"Grainne Uaile - The movie" will be released this summer
The official trailer will be online early June 

Check out the films facebook page


Production company

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