Sunday, April 28, 2013

What Would You Like To Promote?

Making a movie, or have a press release? Have a new book coming out, or starting an IndieGoGo campaign? Finishing some new artwork, or a photo shoot? Recording a new podcast, or posting some new reviews? Having a big sale, or making an appearance? Here is your chance to Promote Horror! Leave a comment and/or link here with whatever it is you would like to promote! 

Already been promoted? That’s fine. If you have new info, trailers, pictures, books, campaigns, etc., let me know. Another promotion can easily be done again!

Looking for another place to Promote Horror? Stop by the Facebook page, and share your promotions there!

If you would like to further discuss a promotion, please feel free to contact me at: 
Twitter: @PromoteHorror


  1. I have been surfing around horror blogs, and I can HONESTLY say I really enjoy this one! And I know it is an odd compliment, but...great name "" -I'll be checking you guys out more often -thanks

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Glad to hear you are enjoying the site. Working hard to get as many promotions up as possible. See you soon!

  2. Heya pretty stoked i stumbled onto your blog your posts are pretty solid and interesting. I have a horror blog as well called "Pixies Horror Galore" and right now am running a small "Voodoo Crypt Writing Contest",would be really great and appreciated if maybe you could promote in some way inanycase here is the link:

    I have loads of other content as well like reviews and some of my personal artwork so if your free do please check it out.

    Thanks a bunch
    Pixie (


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