Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Marty Ross- One Man Halloween


London Horror Festival, Etcetera Theatre 2nd – 4thNovember 2012.

Halloween is fast approaching – the season for an onslaught of CGI-heavy horror blockbusters at the multiplex, all night marathons of previous blockbusters on DVD and cable, shops full of designer horror masks etc. etc. But what about getting back to the basics of this ancient Celtic festival: the low-tech art of a traditional Celtic storyteller standing before his audience of an autumn night and purely, simply, spinning yarns of ghostly and terrifying things… and with such expressive force that every listener’s imagination is filled with images no CGI could match?

That, in a nutshell, is what will be happening from 2nd to 4th of November at the Etcetera Theatre, Camden, as part of the London Horror Festival, when Scottish storyteller Marty Ross will be presenting his show “One Man Halloween”, telling a separate full-length story on each of the three nights.

Ross has established himself as a dramatist, with particular emphasis on the horror genre, by way of stage drama performed in London, Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburgh, but primarily with extensive work for BBC radio, including the serials ‘Ghost Zone’ and ‘Catch My Breath’ and the Radio 4 series ‘The Darker Side Of The Border’. Most recently, 2012’s ‘Rough Magick’ threw William Shakespeare into the embrace of highland witchcraft. He has also written audio drama for Big Finish’s Doctor Who series: “Night’s Black Agents” and the Lovecraftian “The Lurkers At Sunlight’s Edge” – as well as the Dark Shadows drama “Dress Me In Dark Dreams”, which took a more serious approach to the reinvention of the US gothic drama than Tim Burton’s film, released at the same time. Also this year, “Blood and Stone”, based on the legend of bloody Countess Elizabeth Bathory, was nominated for a 2012 Rondo Award (horror fandom’s Oscars).

But the more ancient art of pure, ‘unplugged’ storytelling has always been close to his heart, dating back to when – in the early days of his writing career – he would eke out his literary income by working as a guide on walking holidays, telling eerie folktales on the tops of mountains, the better to give hikers time to get their breath back! Thus his first performances took place not in theatres but on mountains and moors from Scotland and Irelandto Austria and, in Germany, the witch-haunted Harz mountains, home of Walpurgisnacht. But he has also performed in pubs, libraries, anywhere he can stand up and make a spectacle of himself. For Ross is a one man theatre company – he doesn’t sit in a comfy chair and recite from a book… no, Ross’s storytelling is full-tilt expressionist theatre, involving multiple characterisations, dramatic movement and gesture, often music too (he thumps a mean bodhran drum!).

His repertoire includes traditional folktales (often with his own modifications), retellings of classics by the likes of Poe, Stevenson and MR James, and his own original stories. The three stories he will be performing at the Etcetera exemplify this. On 2nd. November, he will perform RANNOCH, an original story drawing on his experience guiding hikers across the highland moor of the title and at the scene of the battle of Culloden, in thebloody aftermath of which his tale is set. But this is no cosy period ghost story… as a tale of a war of conquest and its troubled aftermath, it has more contemporary resonance. On 3rd. November, he takes temporary leave of Scotland to emphasise the expressionist aspects of his theatre, with a one man version of one of the classics of expressionism in YOU MUST BECOME CALIGARI!, a blackly comic, but also poignant,reinvention of ‘The Cabinet Of Doctor Caligari’, casting all kinds of interesting new lights on the material. On the last night, 4th. November, DRIFTWOOD HEARTS takes one of the eeriest of all traditional Scottish folktales, usually known as ‘The Haunted Ships’, but updates it to modern times, using the sketchy plot of the original as a springboard for much macabre and darkly romantic invention of Ross’s own.

Useful links:

Medusa On The Beach (play):

Doctor Who: The Lurkers At Sunlight’s Edge:

Doctor Who: Night’s Black Agents: 

Rough Magick (BBC play):

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