Monday, November 7, 2011

Swords of the Dead

A rogue fight club brawler and his band of misfit martial artists are hired by a beautiful mystery woman to destroy Ninja Zombies that have invaded her small town. 

*Read the book based on the screenplay

          before the movie comes out!*



    Sheriff Tom Knowles was flirting on the phone as he cruised the quiet streets of Brooktown.
    Forty-two but in great shape, Knowles still enjoyed the company of his wife.  He was eager to end his nightly patrol as he drove past the closed stores.  He chatted on his cell phone, hardly paying attention to his driving.
    "I'll be done in about an hour," he said. His hand cradled the phone to his ear. "Yeah?" He liked what he heard.
    "Oh yeah? Maybe I can wrap up early. No, wear the red one." He laughed with anticipation. "Yeah, that's the one."
    An indistinct figure appeared in front of the car.  Knowles slammed on the brakes, but the patrol car hit whoever it was with a sickening, muffled thud of metal meeting flesh and bone. Whoever it was disappeared under the front of his cruiser.
    "Oh, my god!" he heard himself yell.
    "Call you back," he said. "No, nothing," he said into the phone, but certain he had just killed or maimed someone.  He switched off the cell, threw it on the passenger seat, and pushed the button to turn on the pulsating blue and red lights atop the official cruiser.  Knowles grabbed his flashlight and jerked open the door. His eyes caught the image of the sheriff's badge painted on the door with the slogan: To Serve and Protect. The irony struck him for a brief moment before he ran to the front of the car. Nothing there.  Fearing that whoever he hit was trapped underneath, he went to his knees and looked under the chassis. Still nothing.
    It was all too fast but he was sure he had hit a pedestrian. Then he saw someone standing behind the car. The red and blue lights illuminating a dark figure in—a hooded robe? Some nut job wandering the street? How could he be standing behind the car?
    The years he spent as a beat cop before becoming sheriff kicked in. Procedure replaced shock and confusion. He aimed his flashlight at the dark figure.    
    "You okay, buddy?" he asked.
    Still silent, the figure approached him. Knowles shined his light into the cowl of the hood. What he saw terrified him.
    He yanked the .40 caliber semi-automatic Glock from it's holster. "Stop right there!" he managed. The figure closed the distance.  Knowles shot. The figure seemed jolted by the impact, but continued toward him. He fired two more times. Still coming. He emptied the clip as fast as he could. His ears rang from the noise. The figure seemed to look down, examine itself for a moment, then it lunged at  him, knocking him to the ground as the flashlight fell from his hand.
    The thing bit into the muscle that ran from his shoulder to the neck. Knowles screamed in pain. He screamed louder when it ripped out a mouth-sized chunk of skin and muscle. It sounded like breaking a cabbage in half. He continued shrieking more and more as teeth tore out still another chunk of bleeding flesh. Blood splashed his face, pumping out in dark red gushers as if it were from an insane coffee maker.
    The pain was all-consuming, wracking his body, he screamed again but no sound escaped his throat.
    Knowles' fallen flashlight shined on his red-washed face, contorted in torment and terror. The blue and red lights continued flashing, punching small cheerful arcs of light into the darkness.
Serving and Protecting.


"Right from the start, "SWORDS" takes us on an accelerating 3D thrill-ride. It's like standing on top of a locomotive moving too fast to risk jumping-off, plus... we don't want to miss a thing!

In a world which is compounding exponentially with literary hybrids, it's fair to say that author Danek S. Kaus' innovative, high-concept amalgam of NINJA-ZOMBIES is a first. Chock-full of magnetic characters, this is Action-Horror storytelling at its best, replete with razor-sharp jabs to the funny-bone, that will have you screaming "sequel!" while it would aptly make for a killer movie franchise to boot."

"Swords of the Dead is an action-packed zombie story. I think fans of the genre will find the author’s take on the topic to be very unique. At the same time, frequent doses of humor give Swords of the Dead a distinctive mirth I’ve not often seen in this genre."

Now that you have read the sample, and some awesome reviews, get the book at:

For more information on “Swords of the Dead,” and author Danek S. Kaus, visit Also find him on Twitter, and Facebook.

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