Monday, July 6, 2015


A seemingly routine accident investigation just outside of the small town of Ogden, IL, pulls Detective Desmond King into a tempest of terror. What Detective King discovers at that scene causes him to realize that something terrible is happening in Ogden and he must act quickly to prevent the town from destroying itself. When Detective King recognizes he has only a small chance left to save any of the 1,200 citizens of Ogden from each other, a new threat presents itself. One that promises to destroy not only the town itself, but everyone within.

Here are a few awesome reviews this book is getting…

"There were so many times I was on edge and for me it's a real page turner. I highly recommend this book and I will be following and purchasing all future books by Cory Abernathy."

"Pretty good zombie apocalypse novel"

"It takes a lot to grab my attention, and this book does it!"

Please click the pic and get your copy NOW….

About the author:

Cory Abernathy recently published his first novel, 'Ogden' an action packed zombie story set in his home town of Ogden, IL where he lives with his wife Stephanie and daughter Sydney. The two dogs (Indiana and Bailey) that appear in this novel are his own and make quite an impression on readers. This novel acts as a prequel to his upcoming 'Orange Band' series. You can follow Cory on Twitter

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