Thursday, May 15, 2014

Malevolence Thy Name is Karen

‘Malevolence Thy Name Is Karen’
By Author’s Joan L. Sample and Roy M. Vasquez


Sanguineous fluids flowing from my tiny hands. The agony, annihilation. Destroyed lives, and souls that have been taken for my pleasure. Countless times have I walked this earth, killing all those who I have deemed worthy of my art. The warm spray of their life force blankets me, soothing me, quieting the voices for only a short time. Until they scream for more carnage. I am but an instrument of destruction. I wonder which controls me: my raven heart or my demonic voices. What I do know is that there is more work to be done, and more souls to be taken.

My only purpose is to bring about the dissolution of God's living creatures. I’m so monstrous that my blood pumps cold in my veins. Only a smiling face precedes this biblical sin. I’m the essence of a killer. I feel no remorse. I was created to destroy. I don’t need a reason to do what I do, except the ones that exist in my mind. I was put on this earth for one purpose. It is a calling I embrace deep within my darkhearted soul.


What if you discovered that your newborn’s soul was replaced by a demon’s moments before its birth? Not just any demon, in fact but one’s whose only purpose is to bring about the dissolution of God's living creatures. A soul stealer, born to unsuspecting parents in place of its innocent newborn. It is said that Satan himself smiles on this murderous creature. If this entity devotes its life to the slaughter of God’s children then it is granted another life when it’s current one is over. Each reincarnated life must be filled with carnage.

Karen Ann is a soul stealer, and commits her first murder at age six-- her older brother Brad’s class mascot. The killing of the turtle awakens a latent malevolence in Karen, an ancient evil that amplifies as Karen matures.

As she grows up, and advances in school, Karen’s odd disposition and reclusive behavior is noted by teachers and others. Karen is considered unnatural. Both Karen‘s mother, Candice, and her brother, Brad, are greatly alarmed by Karen, but feel helpless.

Malevolence Thy Name Is Karen is a novel in the tradition of William March’s The Bad Seed, but with supernatural malevolence being the key issue of evil, rather than a genetic trait. Malevolence Thy Name Is Karen will shock you, disturb you, and you’ll love every second of it!


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