Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hell's Muse

In the beginning was the Word – and the word Was a lie.

A struggling writer dives into the dark pits of madness to create his most perfect work – a parallel of his own life, only twisted into a malignant hatred. When the written word opens a gateway to Hell, every truth the writer believes is challenged, every lie made truth.

As a trail of death and sorrow spills from the words, the writer is drawn into an unholy abyss to become Hell's Muse.

Get Jack Wallen’s latest book at:

And don’t forget to check out some of his other best selling books including…

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  1. Thank you for having me! You are doing such a great service for the horror genre. I hope everyone enjoys Hell's Muse.

    1. You are very welcome. I'm happy to help, and appreciate the kind words. I hope everyone gets a copy today!


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